It's Just about I, Me & My Self

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A life of traveller

‌As a traveller, you live many lives.

At each turn during your journeys, you meet new people and new you.

You are never the same when you travel as travelling offers host of exposure and knowledge to change you, forever. It may sound scary, but it actually makes you a better person, day by day.

Exciting… I love to travel and I love to meet new people, see new places, things and learn new stuff… You will have a life as exciting as a bird or a flowing water full of adventure and thrills… Love it!
My personal suggestion for everyone... One's a year go somewhere , you hv never been before.

Follow me on Instagram @lucky.wanderer


Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't be a tourist, be a traveller.

Don't be a tourist, be a traveller.

The difference between a Tourist and a Traveller is same as that between Sympathy and Empathy.

Being a traveller is just awesome. A traveller gets to explore new places, experience different things, make memories, make new friends and much more.

He isn't a tourist who visits a place, stays there for a while and returns back.

A traveller is one who enjoys the tiniest molecule of air, feels the vibe of that place.

But a traveller is always ready to face hard times. It may happen that, he goes low on money or can't afford to buy food. There may come many moments where he has to make a choice between his basic needs. But a traveller is one who knows to make, even such moments, an Adventure.
In short, life of a traveller is full of Adventures and Experiences.
Keep travelling friends...


Monday, January 9, 2017

Place to visit nearby Mandsaur

About Mandsaur :
Mandsaur is rich in archaeological and historical heritage But what makes it famous is the temple of Lord Pashupatinath located on the bank of shivna. Its idol has parallel only in Nepal. The most common language is Malvi (Rajasthani and Hindi Mixed).It is also famous for large production of Opium around the world. The slate pencil industry is the main industry of the district.
Here's the list of tourist place.

1. Pashupatinath temple
(The main attraction of Mandsaur is lord Pashpupatinath temple. Pashpupatinath is synonymous name of lord shiva. This artistic effigy is built-up smooth, glowingly dark coppery fiery rock-block. The temple is situated at the bank of Shivna river.
Its weight is 4600 kg. Height 7.25 ft. in curvature and 11.25 ft. in straight. It has 8 heads they are divided in two part. First part in 4 heads on the top and second part in 4 head bottom. Top 4 heads are clear, refined and complete then 4 bottom heads are not refined.
This temple have four doors in the four directions but entrance door is situated in the west. This effigy’s heads which is situated in the west are presenting fearful image of lord shiva. This heads make-up indicate three rasp (relish) which is in bun-shaped hair with poisonous snakes, emerging third eye and opened underlie. In the centre tangled hair are surrounding snakes that is acquainted annihilation omkar (veda mantras symbolizing God almighty)

2. Teliya Talab
(A popular hangout place for the family, friends and relatives Telia Talab also has a park and a Hindu shrine nearby. People of all religions and castes come here to spend their evenings making it a buzzing cultural hub in the evenings.)

3. Nalcha mata
(This is one of the famous temple of goddess durga, Nalcha is another name of goddess. In navratra local people of city daily visit temple by foot and worship 9 days.)
4. Khidki mata ( Another goddess Amba's temple is located out side of the city bypass road near shivna river)

5. Shree Bahi Parhwanath jain mandir
  (Situated just 12km away from Mandsaur, the place was built after it was blessed by the Acharya Shri Kalyan Sagar ji Maharaj and is also known as a "Chaupati" in short. Here you will see a 58 cm high black coloured idol of Lord Parshwanath in the padmasana posture.
With so many places to visit in Mandsaur just book your tickets on the Indore to Mandsaur train and get ready to have a close encounter with history and spirituality.

5. Hussain Tekri
(The shrine of Hussain Tekri was built in the 19th century by Mohammad Iftikhar Ali Khan Bahadur, the Nawab of Jaora. It is situated on the outskirts of the town of Jaora in the Ratlam district  and 51 k.m from mandsaur)

6. Dharmrajeshwar
   (धर्मराजेश्वर) is an ancient Buddhist and hindu cave temple site of 4th-5th Century in mandsaur district in madhyapradesh. It is a indian heritage site situated in Garoth tahsil of Mandsaur district at a distance of 4 km from Chandwasa town and 106 km from Mandsaur city. Nearest railway station is Shamgarh about 22 km. Its original name is Dhamnar (धमनार).

7. Dudhakhedi mata
  (Goddess dudhakhedi mata temple situated in bhanpura tehsil of mandsaur district at a distance of 18 km from garoth and 104 km from Mandsaur)

8. Chote bade mahadev (Small & Big Lord shiva)
  (Chote bade mahadev temple is situated in bhanpura tehsil of mandsaur district. Bhanpura is 124 km away from mandsaur you can go there by road. This is very natural place and lord shiva's temple situated between mountain there are many small and big waterfall with great scenery)

9. Gandhisagar Dam & Sanctuary
     (गांधी सागर अभयारण्य) is a wildlife sanctuary situated on the northern boundary of Mandsaur and Nimuch districts in Madhyapradesh, india.
Gandhusagar dam is one of the four major dams built on chambal river.
This is 135 km from mandsaur and 100 km from Nimuch.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Best Places to visit near Indore

Here's the list of top 10 best places to visit near Indore from 50km to 150km for your perfect weekend.

1. Patalpani
2. Kalakund
3. Shitlamata fall
4. Choral
5. Mandu
6. Omkareshwar
7. Hanuwantiya Tapu
8. Tincha fall
9.  Kajligarh
10. Mahankaleshwar (ujjain)
For any kind of inquiry or want to know more about this places you can contact me.
Through : Email & social media. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

Chadar Trek India

The frozen Zanskar river served and still serves as the traditional and only way of connect between Leh and Zanskar for the locals in the harsh winter months of Ladakh. Its being used by the locals for centuries. The documentary of National Geographic Channel first brought this journey of the locals to the outside world and since then Chadar - The Frozen River Trek has hit the popularity burst. Its rated as one of the best treks existing in the planet by many.
The Zanskar river is big and fast-flowing. For most of its length between Chilling and the Zanskar valley the river is confined within a steep canyon. If the idea of walking over frozen river ice with a large pack on your back and very cold rushing water a few inches below your feet is terrifying, then you are not alone. People sometimes die on the Chadar trek, usually local porters who carry goods on the river for their livelihood and can't afford to be conservative. The hike from Chilling to the Zanskar valley takes more than a week, and at night porters usually sleep in caves in the canyon walls.

This trek is considered as one of the most exciting and unique treks – a very special and an extraordinary trek on shiny ice on the bank of Tsarap River. You will be dropped by a vehicle at Chilling Sumdo (crossed road) then your trek leads in a narrow valley filled with breath-taking views of ice-peaks and unexpected hanging icicles that will attract your gaze for some time. You will spend the night at cave camps with the help of a born fire that will keep you warm and relaxed.
daily trek begins at around 9:00am and by then the sun's up and blue skies bring cheer despite the cold temperatures. The trek goes along the Tsarap River in the region of Nyerag, Lingshed and constitutes to Zanskar!
Needless to say, having a good guide is critical on the Chadar trek. Trekking on the ice was intimidating. A covering of snow made it difficult to assess its thickness. At times we had to walk along a narrow margin of ice, constrained by the canyon wall on one side and deep rushing water on the other. Slipping in or falling through would not just be cold; it could be fatal. The water was deep and fast, and you would likely be swept under the ice in seconds.

For better or worse, the Chadar trek is an endangered activity and within 5 years will cease to exist in it's current form. A road is currently being blasted out of the rock face above the river. When completed, winter access to the Zanskar valley villages in the interior will be relatively straight-forward. The road will certainly be safe and more convenient than the river, but its completion will mark the end of an ancient local practice.

The ‘Chadar’ is a perfect example of this resourcefulness of the Ladakhis and their indomitable spirit, in the face of such daunting odds. The term ‘Chadar’ means blanket in the local language, thereby giving an indication to the nature of this whole experience. Large sections of the river Zanskar, which is one of the mightiest rivers in Ladakh, freeze over in the dead of winter and are covered by a thick blanket of ice. This frozen blanket or ‘Chadar’ is the only way in and out for Zanskaris in winter, when the road and various other caravan routes are closed due to heavy The icy wonderland of the ‘Chadar trek’ snowfall blocking the high passes. It has been their traditional trade route in winter for Centuries. The seven to eight days walk from chilling to Padum is both challenging as well as an incomparably exiting experience. The landscape aquires a pristine grandeur in winter as the trail enters into the gorge of the Zanskar, where temperatures sometimes drop to –30 to - 35 Degree Celsius.

How to Reach

By Air :- 
Flying over miles and miles of heavily snowed mountains will tell you just why it’s impossible to reach Ladakh by road in the winters. Jet Airways, Air India and Go Air provide daily (once every day) flight service between New Delhi and Leh. However if you plan a trip to this area of the country, you must try to book your tickets well in advance. This might even cut down the prices which may be levied on booking at the last time. You would enjoy the flight as you would fly over many untouched areas and even some mountain ranges. The aerial view is just fascinating and gives a great start to your tour.
"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

10 Resolutions for 2017 – Commit for a healthier YOU!

It’s that time of the year when most people start to ponder over their New Year resolutions. Every year millions of people make New Year resolutions but 80% fail to keep them going through the year. It’s hard to keep up the enthusiasm going month after month after you’ve set goals for yourself, but it’s definitely not impossible. Most of us strive for unrealistic goals that are difficult to accomplish after a while..
Let this year be different, pick one of the following worthy resolutions, and stick to it.

Here’s to your health!

I will eat breakfast

A healthy breakfast will refuel my body after a whole 10-12 hours of previous night’s dinner and will get my metabolism going. It will help me concentrate better throughout the day and increase my productivity.

I will de-stress

Stress on a daily basis takes a toll on physical and mental health. No matter what the job is, day to day affairs can lead to a lot of stress. Pent up emotions can not only create feelings of distress and promote destructive behavior. So resolute to de-stress yourself by- sleeping adequate, exercise, meditation, yoga and follow your hobbies.

I will improve my posture at work

Prolonged use of computer, sitting at one place for hours together can cause muscle aches and discomfort. This routine on a daily basis through the years of work can lead to permanent damage.

Follow these tips for maintain a good posture at work

Sit all the way back in the chair: Keep knees equal to or at lower level than the hips with your feet supported. Use a foot stool if possible, especially if you are short heighted.

Take a break, or several one or two minutes break every 20-30 minutes, and five minute break every hour. This will ensure that you do not strain your muscles.

I will get an annual health check up:Scheduling an annual routine check up for all your family members is a thoughtful New Year gift. Discuss your general health related queries and need for undergoing some preventive screening tests.I will get adequate and good quality sleep

I know it is difficult to keep your hands off your mobile/tablet/laptop late at night. But, believe me late night usage of gadgets is one of the main reasons for low quality and inadequate sleep. This year make a resolution to keep all electronic devices out of the room and pledge to sleep at least 7 hours of sound sleep.

Spend time with your family, drink a relaxing herbal/green tea/glass of milk with turmeric, take a warm water bath, read a book, listen to soft music, meditate for a few minutes before going to sleep. Will help you divert your attention from the regular late night gadget addiction!

I will practice mindful eating

Don’t make your body a garbage bin. Every time you put food in your mouth ask yourself – “Is this healthy?” Mindless eating can lead to a lot of calorie consumption and can add up to an extra of 600 calories daily to your diet. The next time you are tempted by a food, when you are not actually hungry, have a list of other healthy/nutritious substitutes to try instead. Divert yourself by drinking a green tea, taking a stroll, have a quick chat with a co-worker, or simply drink a glass of refreshing water!

I will avoid crash diets

Diets that promote large amounts of protein and fat, like low carb diets, might help you lose weight but the effects of these are short term. Finally, NO pain – NO gain-an ideal weight/fat loss plan must include regular exercise in addition to a wholesome diet. Remember no crash diet can be substitute for a healthy diet.

I will NOT drink carbonated beverages

Believe it or not consumption of fizzy carbonated drinks is on a fall in the United States and surprisingly on the rise in Middle East and Asia. It’s an alarming call for us to re-write our habits. Ditch the carbonated drinks this year and replace them with healthier options like fresh lime, coconut water, chamomile tea, green tea and of course our desi shikanji! Water is any day your best bet. For a little change add up just enough juice to change the color along with an orange or a lime!

I will practice Deep Breathing everyday

Your best bet after a tiring day, I am sure is lying on the couch, watching TV. But for good relaxation what you need is a mentally active process which leaves the body calm and focused. Deep breathing is free and can be practiced anywhere- I bet you are even breathing right now! The key of course is focused breathing. Just 5-10 minutes of your day for deep breathing will reduce anxiety and reduce stress. Deep breathing increases the supply of blood to your brain and releases relaxing hormones, which promotes a state of calmness.

I will Exercise

The New Year is an amazing time to kick-start a new fitness plan – so as long as you create one you can stick with. Here’s how to build an exercise resolution that will keep you going well into the New Year.

-be specific

-keep your goal realistic

-choose something you love

-get a workout partner

-try a new workout regime if you get tired or bored of the same exercise routine

So let’s hit it. Dream it, Wish it, Do it!!! And keep up to it.

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